
Thursday, March 17, 2011

.: For Japan With {Love} :.

How do you even begin to pick yourself up as a country when your world is literally shaken to the core?  The images, video, and stories of survival that have been rolling in every single day have been nothing short of heartbreaking for those of us that feel helpless.  But thanks to the efforts of Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours, they have rallied the wedding community and beyond to prove that with our efforts combined~our impact will be felt.

::Photo: Kim Kyung Hoon/ Reuters::

~Letters of family looking for survivors~ Photo:: Koji Sasahara/AP::

::Photo: Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Dylan McCord/U.S. Navy/Reuters::

Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours hand selected Shelter Box USA to the be the organization that would receive their donations.  Shelter Box is an international disaster relief organization that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to those individuals that have been affected by disasters worldwide.  They send lightweight, durable, waterproof and practical items that keep families fed, warm and dry.  The essentials to survival when you are affected by disaster. Thus far, {as of the time that this blog post was written}, the combined efforts of those donating to is at $15,002!  Breaking the $15,000 mark is absolutely monumental given their original goal of $5,500.  The power of social media and networking during crisis is beyond imaginable~individuals whom have never met, perhaps only showing each others work some love via comments and posts, have united to make each and every dollar donated make a difference in the lives of individuals in distress.  Now that my friends is TRUE LOVE.



~~It's really simple actually.  If you are a blogger, join the bloggers day of silence, March 18th by visiting Utterly Engaged here and Ever-Ours here .  No posts tomorrow, but post today about what you will be doing tomorrow instead of blogging to spread the word.   Post, re-post and then post again via facebook and twitter about how you're contributing to the cause and encourage your followers to get involved!


~~It's easy to donate, we did it and so can you! Visit For Japan With Love to make your contribution.  Remember that every little bit adds to one more Shelter box being sent over there.  Curious to know what the box is all about?  Click Here to find more about what goes in the box and how each and every item is carefully selected depending on the area of the world that it is going to.  It's bitter cold in Japan, they will need every blanket and source of heat that they can get.

::Photo: ShelterBox USA::

 Contribute to this incredible cause by spreading the word like crazy and lets show the social media and blogging community what good can really be done through the power of networking.  This cause is so much bigger than all of us combined, never forget that!  So tonight, kiss your loved ones, even if it's your dog or cat, and be thankful that you are warm, dry and have a good meal in your belly.  Thousands over there are without. But perhaps in less than a week or so, some of those individuals, thanks to your efforts, will have many of their primary needs met.  While they may not ever be able to thank you in person, know that in their hearts they are grateful for your generosity.

...::Be Strong Japan, Our Thoughts, Prayers, and Hearts are with you:....

~Love from The AbFab Team~


  1. You're awesome :D I shoulda gotten in on this. Found out about it one day to late ;P

  2. Aww...thanks Jenny! You can still donate and the contributions are STILL rising! As of this morning about $48,000 has been raised! That's shelter boxes that will assist 480 people! Lots of love being sent to Japan! <3 :-)
